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Rihanna’s Fenty Clothing Brand Accused of Trademark Jacking

Clothing brand, Freedom United, is accusing Rihanna’s clothing brand Fenty of jacking their trademark for the Fenty University collection.

When up-and-coming cartoonist Keef Knight has a traumatic run-in with the police, he begins to see the world in an entirely new way.

Freedom United uses the initials ‘F.U,’ and is arguing that the singer had knowledge of this and insisted to use the initials for her line.

Freedom sent Puma a cease and desist letter in January. The company requested that Puma stopped making F.U gear and disclose a full accounting of how much RiRi pocketed from the collection.

Puma reportedly issued their own letter insisting that there was no infringement because the logos are written in a different font. They also argue that F.U isn’t a unique logo, it’s initials, and Fenty University merchandise is no longer being produced.


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